2 min read
Royal Fashion

Royal Fashion Home Page


Royal Fashion is a responsive e-commerce web application built with React and TypeScript. It features a clean design and functionality powered by Redux Toolkit, Stripe integration, and Firebase, offering users a smooth shopping experience across devices.


  • User Authentication: Firebase authentication for secure login and signup.
  • Product Management: View a catalog of fashion products with sorting and filtering options.
  • Shopping Cart: Add, remove, and manage items in the cart with real-time updates.
  • Payment Processing: Secure payment integration using Stripe.
    • Test Stripe’s card payment functionality using the card number 4242 4242 4242 4242, with any valid expiration date (MM/YY) and CVV.
  • State Management: Powered by Redux Toolkit with persistence using Redux Persist.
  • Styling: Customizable styles implemented with Styled Components.

Technologies Used

  • React: Component-based UI development.
  • TypeScript: Ensures type safety and enhances code maintainability.
  • Redux Toolkit: Simplifies state management.
  • Redux Saga: Manages side effects.
  • Stripe: Processes payments securely.
  • Styled Components: Dynamic styling for components.
  • Firebase: Backend services for authentication and data storage.
  • SASS: Preprocessor for advanced styling.